to Digital Expressions. This is the fanlisting for Emoticons, listed with The Fanlistings Network, under the Computer Miscellany and Internet category. If you're a fan of the things we use to help us express more clearly the feeling and intent behind a sentence or stand alone response to convey a thought or emotion, please feel free to join! If you have a personal website, please link back to this fanlisting, so that other fans can find us too. Thank you so much to Kya (dazzle.nu), who gave me her members list!
Last updated: 22nd August 2024
Member count: 2034
Pending members: 0
Newest: Tip, Des, and Azure
Sonya of Fanique. This website was made by a fan, is non-profit and is not official, in any way. The picture used was found on the internet, it does not belong to me, and no copyright infringement is intended. Please contact me with any concerns you may have.